


How to Care for Lithium Batteries

Mobile devices that many in circulation today, both phones, smartphones, laptops, most have been using Lithium batteries. There are two types of Lithium battery, Li-Ion and Li-Polymer.The nature of both the same treatment. But in comparison, between Li-ion battery with Li-Poly, Li-poly have decreased the average survival is greater.

But lately, the manufacturer announced that the batteries of this type can be in charge of more than 500 times before its capacity drops to 80% only. Another variant of Li-poly, which uses thin film as a rechargeable lithium battery of his, even could be 10,000 times Well let me, your battery life is maintained, the following tips:

FB Oline said, download the Dollar $

Facebook this one social networking, has become an endemic virus in the whole world, its presence shifts the other social networks like Friendster, myspace , twitter etc.
In general, in terms of look Friendster, myspace and twitter is not less cool up but, in terms of security up remains a champion, until now no one has managed to hack into this network, which was lost again in terms of facilities up most complete, we can update the status anytime and anywhere, ranging from the Internet, mobi, smartphones and even via sms.

Create Beautiful GMAIL Account

I wrote just for a give ni aja tuk know that lom know ...!!!
Perhaps one of you has an account on Gmail ..
Well if you get bored with only view that general account ...
so classic principal really ...
Do not hurt to.? I give out to enhance your Gmail page.
Here's How To Bro .....!!!!
1. There must login to
2.  Then select the top right corner of on the one setting (setting)
3.Choose a theme (Thema) at the top.
4. Advanced choose one theme that you want.
5. Next refresh

Create Profile More Cool Photos

Regards .. all! 
I just wanted to various suggestions and tips just for my friends all, which of course I also tried the friend, who would not REPOST, it is real in my own handwriting, uh one point his own typing. Anyway do not have much to say, yes, okay to speak must be nearly every person has an account of social networks, especially young people today who he says are not hanging out so if you do not have an account FB.hehehe FB Profile Now so you become more cool You can use the profile photos of different styles of definitely more cool.
I like this example I FB
That's how cool is not it??
This my friends how:

O> Prepare any photos that you have but, better choose a photo which is roughly going good results.
O> Then click
O> Input image, after selecting an image directly aja click upload now

Add Widget Go up

I wanted to share my knowledge to my friends all of which may have a Facebook account.

As we know the user up in the world has increased, since the American presidential election.  The reason is up for this to be one social network run by Barack Obama for campaigning. So do not hurt us to have a Facebook account, even who knows we can well known like Obama.

Well for those who do not have a facebook account silahan register first in for the already have immediately wrote to sign in to facebook.

Now who wants me for how WIDGET TO ADD TO FACEBOOK

  1.  Login to facebook.
  2. Please search for widgets on what ja, eg a clock or the other.
  3. Then if already have to widget so continue their HTML Copy
  4.  We go into
  5. And when it opened, there is a white box where you paste it after the do not forget to save;
Selamat Mencoba Good luck

Cara Merawat Baterai Lithium

Perangkat brgerak yang banyak beredar saat ini, baik ponsel, smartphone, laptop, kebanyakan sudah menggunakan baterai Lithium. Ada dua tipe baterai Lithium, Li-Ion dan Li-Polymer. Sifat perawatan keduanya sama saja. Tapi jika dibandingkan, antara baterai Li-ion dengan Li-Poly, Li-poly rata-rata punya penurunan daya hidup yang lebih besar.

Tapi belakangan, pemanufaktur mengumumkan bahwa baterai tipe ini bisa di cas lebih dari 500 kali sebelum kapasitasnya turun jadi 80%-nya saja (lihat Sanyo). Varian Li-poly lainnya, yang menggunakan film tipis sebagai baterai lithium rechargeable-nya, malah bisa 10.000 kali pengecasan sebelum dayanya berkurang. Nah biar, daya hidup baterai kamu terpelihara, berikut tipsnya:


Reppler, Aplikasi untuk Jaim di Facebook

Jakarta - Facebooker terkadang lupa bahwa ada hal-hal yang seharusnya tidak diposting. Padahal, status Facebook, foto, atau tulisan yang diunggah bisa saja merusak citra si pengguna. Nah, kini ada aplikasi bernama Reppler yang bisa membantu Facebooker jaim alias jaga imej.

Tidak ada salahnya jaim di Facebook, mengingat pentingnya pencitraan seseorang melalui Facebook kini kian umum. Tak heran, mulai banyak perusahaan yang mengecek profil calon karyawannya di Facebook. Cara yang sama digunakan juga untuk perekrutan calon mahasiswa baru hingga pencarian jodoh.

"Orang-orang sangat peduli dengan persepsi keseluruhan dari dunia luar. Mereka khawatir akan privasi dan keamanan, juga bagaimana segala hal yang dibagi di jejaring sosial bisa berdampak pada pekerjaan dan karir mereka," kata Vlad Gorelik, si pembuat Reppler.